Benedikt Bergmann ESR 9 - personal, professional and private info
Personal data
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Benedikt Bergmann
Institute for Experimental and Applied Physics at Czech Technical University in Prague
PhD at Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen
Working field: solid state detectors and applications for neutron dosimetry
ESR number: 9
Nationality: German
Contact me
Professional profile
- 2006 German ABITUR at Kaspar-Zeuß-Gymnasium Kronach
- 2010 B.Sc. in Physics at Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen
- 2012 M.Sc. in Physics at Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen
Current work
I am working on the evaluation of the data taken by the ATLAS-MPX detector network, which consists of 16 Medipix based devices installed in the ATLAS detector. Their data can be used to study the activation of the surrounding material (cables, support structures, etc.) as well as the activation of the MPX-detectors itself. As these detectors also allow to distinguish between different types of radiation, they seem to be great tools to estimate the corresponding dose rate at the different positions in the ATLAS detector and in the cavern during and after collisions.
I will also contribute to the upgrade of this network from Medipix to Timepix (TPX) detectors during the upcoming LHC shut down. The TPX devices give not only information of the number of hits seen by the detector, but will also provide us with the energy deposited in the detector in time over threshold mode (ToT) or the time of arrival (ToA) of a particle. This will improve the capability to separate different types of radiation and the estimation of the dose rates, as they are, at least at lower energies, proportional to the energy of the incident particle.
Participations in meetings, conferences, etc
- DPG Tagung 2013, Dresden, March 04-08, 2013
- IWORID, Paris, June 23-27, 2013
T. Michel, B. Bergmann, J. Durst, M. Filipenko, T. Gleixner, and K. Zuber, "Measurement of the double K-shell vacancy creation probability in the electron-capture decay of 55Fe with active-pixel detectors", Phys. Rev. C 89, 014609, 2014
B. Bergmann, R.O. Nelson, J.M. O'Donnell, S. Pospisil, J. Solc, H. Takai, Z. Vykydal, "Time-of-Flight Measurement of Fast Neutrons with Timepix Detectors", JINST 9 C05048, 2014
Private area
My interests
In my free time I enjoy doing all kinds of sports. So the chance is high to find me playing soccer or beach soccer, going out for a run or hiking or cycling in the mountains.
Beside that I really enjoy listening to "good" music, which means for me bands like Foo Fighters, Pearl Jam, Green Day, Mumford and Sons, Babyshambles, etc., but also classical music (especially when coding in C++) and playing trumpet or keyboard.