Stuart George ESR 4 - Profile
About Me
Stuart George
Institute : CERN
PhD Program: University of Wollongong
ESR Number : 4
Nationality : British
Contact me CV
I completed my Masters degree in physics after 4 fantastic years at the University of Sheffield.
My thesis topic was computational statistical mechanics completed with Professor Gillian Gehring entitled "Phase Transitions in tetraphillic liquid crystals".
I spent the third year of my undergraduate degree on exchange at the University of Wollongong in Australia.
While there I worked with Professor Anatoly Rosenfelds group on a Geant4 based study of the effect of prostate calcifications on brachytherapy dosimetery.
Current work
My ARDENT project is on the medical applications of Medipix and GEM detectors. We plan to use the Medipix for a variety of measurements including neutrons in conventional radiotherapy treatments and ion fragments during hadrontherapy treatments. I'm currently working on the analysis of data gathered during beamtime at CERF (the CERN EU Reference Field) and during a heavy ion beam time taken on the H8 beamline at CERN.
I'm also running some Geant4 simulations on secondary ion production during carbon ion and proton therapy.
Participations in meetings, conferences, etc
EURADOS Congress 2013, February 2013 (Barcelona, Spain)
First ARDENT Meeting, November 2012 (Vienna, Austria)
EURADOS Working Group 9 Meeting, August 2012 (Krakow, Poland)
IEEE NSS MIC 2012 (Anaheim, California)
I regularly attend the Medipix meetings held bimonthly at CERN
I am currently working on a paper titled, "The Dosimetric Effect of Prostate Calcifications : A Geant 4 Study" which should be submitted shortly.
What would life be without pretty graphics?
Here are some links to some cool pictures of particle tracks generated in Geant4
Some pictures from the recent beam time at CERF
Masters Thesis (slim text as required by Sheffield)
1st ARDENT Workshop Introductory Presentation
EPSM 2011 Presentation on Prostate Calcifications
In March 2013 I travelled back to my home university in Sheffield, UK to take part in an Annual outreach event held in the Sheffield Winter Gardens.
I spent a few days leading sessions on temperature (hot things, cold things and what liquid nitrogen does to things).