Christopher Cassell ESR 15 - personal, professional and private info
Personal data
Christopher Cassell
Institute/organization: Politecnico di Milano, University of Wollongong
Working field: Radiation Protection Dosimetry
ESR number: 15
Nationality: Australian
Contact me
Professional profile
I obtained both my undergraduate and an Honors degree at the University of Wollongong, in Australia
Current work
I am currently working on the LUPIN, an Extended range neutron REM counter (designed to work in Pulsed fields) by my colleagues at Polidecnico di Milano in Italy. This involves experimental characterisation of the detector as well as simulations using Geant4 monte carlo code.In addition to this, I am also working on some simulations of a Silicon Strip Detector for the Centre for Medical Radiation Physics (CMRP) at the University of Wollongong.
Participations in meetings, conferences, etc
- ARDENT First Annual Meeting, Vienna, Austria, November 2012
- MMND Conference & IPCT Workshop, Wollongong, Australia, December 2012
- ISOTDAQ Workshop, Thessaloniki, Greece, February 2013
”Instrument intercomparison in the pulsed neutron fields at the CERN HiRadMat facility”, submitted to Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A
under construction...
Private area
My interests
I enjoy both watching and playing sport. I also like to read novels.