ESR 4 - Log Records of my activities througout the ARDENT training
H8 Measurements
January 2013
In early January we were able to run parasitically on the H8 beamline.
We took several different measurments of a mixed heavy ion field with an average A/Z of 2.0 and 2.5. Some example tracks are shown below.
And a photo of the setup (with the Houston Medipix group and some CERN medipix chips as well)
Bern Measurements
February 2013
In February we took data using timepix chips at a proton cyclotron in Bern
The main aim of the measurements was radiation hardness testing of the timepix chips with silicon sensors and naked timepix chips
![Cyclotron nozzle complete with custom sighting laser](./ESR/04/img/Bern.jpg)
![New Timepix mounts](./ESR/04/img/Timepix.jpg)
Outreach in Sheffield
March 2013
In March I spent 2 days in Sheffield, UK leading outreach for the universities Dream Bigger Dreams campaign (aimed at bringing disadvantaged children into university).
I ran six sessions with children on hot, cold and liquid nitrogen (I blew stuff up for two days!).
Research Activities
April 2013
I have recently been using the MAfalda framework (link) to work with my Timepix data. MAfalda is a framework build on top of root that simplifies the process analyzing Timepix data. It has a number of cool features, not least those offered by Root (serialization, intelligent file IO, trees and decent plotting features). With a bit of hacking around it possible to do some pretty cool stuff. For example below I am running a clustering algorithm and pushing the different clusters into different windows for an online look at the data.
April 2013
Life Outside of CERN
April 2013
Last weekend I made a trip back to the UK to see some old friends. While I was there we seriously upgraded Chris beermaking setup with proper plumbing, a DIY electric boiler, a new pump system and a PID temperature controller. The next step is clearly a series of sensors and a ROOT interface. Warning, dubious electrical safety ahead...
Research Activities
May 2013
Research Activities
June 2013
Research Activities (CERN runs on coffee)
June 2013
We have had a Gaggia Unica super-automatic coffee machine in the office for a few months now. It makes a reasonably nice espresso (miles ahead of the CERN cafeteria at any rate) but steaming decent milk on it for a nice Flat White (a short, strong milky Australian confection) in the morning has always eluded me. Turns out the trick is to remove the little plastic widget at the end of the steam wand, suddenly I could make pretty good foamed milk (as opposed to the gloppy froth from before).
Life Outside of CERN
July 2013
I spent a few weeks this month on holiday moving around Europe, in total we hit six countries, drank some good coffees (I can tick the Greek Frappe and Neopolitian espresso off the hit list) and generally loafed around. I also took some measurements with a Timepix and a neutron source at the end of the month when I got back to CERN.
Research Activities
July 2013
I will starting a 2 month secondment at the University of Wollongong this month. While there I will work on Geant4 simulations of the Timepix system (specifically for neutron detection).
Research Activities
August 2013
Research Activities
September 2013
Before calibration the Timepix can be a little tricky. For example shown below is the TOT spectrum of an Americium source. Notice that there are three peaks in the uncalibrated spectrum but only two when calibrated.
If we break the spectrum up into where the hits came from, the origin of the third peak becomes visible. Its from two pixel hits before they are calibrated. Its obvious when I think about it, but it shows how even a simple energy calibration can improve your data.
Research Activities
September 2013
Terrible puns abound in computer science. At least I know regular expressions now...
Life Outside of CERN
September 2013
Research Activities
September 2013
October 2013
Went to the second ARDENT workshop at the Politechnico di Milano. We ran an outreach event on various radiation detectors with local schoolchildren which was a lot of fun. I also gave a talk on my research. Milan isn't the most interesting city from a tourism point of view, but it does have an abundance of nice restaurants and is a lot of fun.
Research Activities
October 2013
Research Activities
November 2013
Life Outside of CERN
January 2014
Research Activities
March 2014
Research Activities
April 2014
Research Activities
May 2014
Life Outside of CERN
May 2014
May 2014
Open days at CERN. We had a stall on medipix at CMS (shown below is Alvin explaining the wonders of the universe). As part of this I finally did the CMS tour. CMS is a smaller detector than ATLAS but in a similar sized cavern. Because of this you can walk around the detector and get a more comprehensive view of it. I have to say that it is much prettier than ATLAS.
Research Activities
July 2014
Research Activities
July 2014
Life Outside of CERN
July 2014
Life Outside of CERN
July 2014
Research Activities
August 2014
Secondment in Texas
August 2014
Secondment in Texas
August 2014
Secondment in Texas
August 2014
Apparently these are the original machines from back in the day. Seeing this stuff was amazing, I grew up on a diet of rockets and moon landings. Covered in an assortment of buttons these are obviously not computers in the way I am used to thinking about them. That these took men to the moon and back is amazing.
Research Activities
September 2014
Life Outside of CERN
September 2014
I took the opportunity to visit Auschwitz which was a sobering experience. Something that really struck me about the place was the logistics involved in delivering and killing 12,000 men, women and children on a daily basis. The camp was a machine designed for the purpose of extermination. Its always important to bear in mind where science and engineering can be directed. Too often I think the Nazis are portrayed as raving madmen, whereas in reality the people who designed Auschwitz were not stupid or insane, and probably not so unlike me and my colleagues.
Research Activities
October 2014
Research Activities
October 2014
Off to Australia to the MMND (Micro, mini and nano dosimetry conference) in Port Douglas, Queensland. I took the opperturnity to see some crocodiles, travel up the coast and go snorkelling on the Great Barrier Reef on the social day (the conference had a social day! This should be more common!). I also gave a presentation on the results obtained during my time in Houston.
Life Outside of CERN
October 2014
Research Activities
November 2014
Life Outside of CERN
December 2014
Life Outside of CERN
January 2015
Life Outside of CERN
January 2015
Life Outside of CERN
February 2015
Life Outside of CERN
February 2015
Off to California for a family wedding. Naturally I gave them a fondue set and a Swiss friend supplied some authentic mountain cheese. Because its in California they had to cut up carrots to go along with the break. Said Swiss friend was 'shocked and appalled'. Professionally I am starting to write my thesis.
Research Activities
April 2015
Went to the CERF facility at CERN today for beamtime and did test microdosimetry measurements with the Gempix. No photos this time unfortunately.
Research Activities
April 2015
Life Outside of CERN
June 2015
H8 Measurements
January 2013
In early January we were able to run parasitically on the H8 beamline.
We took several different measurments of a mixed heavy ion field with an average A/Z of 2.0 and 2.5. Some example tracks are shown below.
And a photo of the setup (with the Houston Medipix group and some CERN medipix chips as well)
Bern Measurements
February 2013
In February we took data using timepix chips at a proton cyclotron in Bern
The main aim of the measurements was radiation hardness testing of the timepix chips with silicon sensors and naked timepix chips
![Cyclotron nozzle complete with custom sighting laser](./ESR/04/img/Bern.jpg)
![New Timepix mounts](./ESR/04/img/Timepix.jpg)
Outreach in Sheffield
March 2013
In March I spent 2 days in Sheffield, UK leading outreach for the universities Dream Bigger Dreams campaign (aimed at bringing disadvantaged children into university).
I ran six sessions with children on hot, cold and liquid nitrogen (I blew stuff up for two days!).
Research Activities
April 2013
I have recently been using the MAfalda framework (link) to work with my Timepix data. MAfalda is a framework build on top of root that simplifies the process analyzing Timepix data. It has a number of cool features, not least those offered by Root (serialization, intelligent file IO, trees and decent plotting features). With a bit of hacking around it possible to do some pretty cool stuff. For example below I am running a clustering algorithm and pushing the different clusters into different windows for an online look at the data.
April 2013
Life Outside of CERN
April 2013
Last weekend I made a trip back to the UK to see some old friends. While I was there we seriously upgraded Chris beermaking setup with proper plumbing, a DIY electric boiler, a new pump system and a PID temperature controller. The next step is clearly a series of sensors and a ROOT interface. Warning, dubious electrical safety ahead...
Research Activities
May 2013
Research Activities
June 2013
Research Activities (CERN runs on coffee)
June 2013
We have had a Gaggia Unica super-automatic coffee machine in the office for a few months now. It makes a reasonably nice espresso (miles ahead of the CERN cafeteria at any rate) but steaming decent milk on it for a nice Flat White (a short, strong milky Australian confection) in the morning has always eluded me. Turns out the trick is to remove the little plastic widget at the end of the steam wand, suddenly I could make pretty good foamed milk (as opposed to the gloppy froth from before).
Research Activities
June 2013
Life Outside of CERN
July 2013
I spent a few weeks this month on holiday moving around Europe, in total we hit six countries, drank some good coffees (I can tick the Greek Frappe and Neopolitian espresso off the hit list) and generally loafed around. I also took some measurements with a Timepix and a neutron source at the end of the month when I got back to CERN.
Research Activities
July 2013
I will starting a 2 month secondment at the University of Wollongong this month. While there I will work on Geant4 simulations of the Timepix system (specifically for neutron detection).
Research Activities
August 2013
Research Activities
September 2013
Before calibration the Timepix can be a little tricky. For example shown below is the TOT spectrum of an Americium source. Notice that there are three peaks in the uncalibrated spectrum but only two when calibrated.
If we break the spectrum up into where the hits came from, the origin of the third peak becomes visible. Its from two pixel hits before they are calibrated. Its obvious when I think about it, but it shows how even a simple energy calibration can improve your data.
Research Activities
September 2013
Terrible puns abound in computer science. At least I know regular expressions now...
Life Outside of CERN
September 2013
Research Activities
September 2013
September 2013
October 2013
Went to the second ARDENT workshop at the Politechnico di Milano. We ran an outreach event on various radiation detectors with local schoolchildren which was a lot of fun. I also gave a talk on my research. Milan isn't the most interesting city from a tourism point of view, but it does have an abundance of nice restaurants and is a lot of fun.
Research Activities
October 2013
Research Activities
November 2013
Research Activities
December 2013
Life Outside of CERN
January 2014
Research Activities
March 2014
Research Activities
April 2014
Research Activities
May 2014
Life Outside of CERN
May 2014
May 2014
Open days at CERN. We had a stall on medipix at CMS (shown below is Alvin explaining the wonders of the universe). As part of this I finally did the CMS tour. CMS is a smaller detector than ATLAS but in a similar sized cavern. Because of this you can walk around the detector and get a more comprehensive view of it. I have to say that it is much prettier than ATLAS.
Research Activities
July 2014
Research Activities
July 2014
Life Outside of CERN
July 2014
Life Outside of CERN
July 2014
Research Activities
August 2014
Secondment in Texas
August 2014
Secondment in Texas
August 2014
Secondment in Texas
August 2014
Apparently these are the original machines from back in the day. Seeing this stuff was amazing, I grew up on a diet of rockets and moon landings. Covered in an assortment of buttons these are obviously not computers in the way I am used to thinking about them. That these took men to the moon and back is amazing.
Research Activities
September 2014
Life Outside of CERN
September 2014
I took the opportunity to visit Auschwitz which was a sobering experience. Something that really struck me about the place was the logistics involved in delivering and killing 12,000 men, women and children on a daily basis. The camp was a machine designed for the purpose of extermination. Its always important to bear in mind where science and engineering can be directed. Too often I think the Nazis are portrayed as raving madmen, whereas in reality the people who designed Auschwitz were not stupid or insane, and probably not so unlike me and my colleagues.
Research Activities
October 2014
Research Activities
October 2014
Off to Australia to the MMND (Micro, mini and nano dosimetry conference) in Port Douglas, Queensland. I took the opperturnity to see some crocodiles, travel up the coast and go snorkelling on the Great Barrier Reef on the social day (the conference had a social day! This should be more common!). I also gave a presentation on the results obtained during my time in Houston.
Life Outside of CERN
October 2014
Research Activities
November 2014
Life Outside of CERN
December 2014
Life Outside of CERN
January 2015
Life Outside of CERN
January 2015
Life Outside of CERN
February 2015
Life Outside of CERN
February 2015
Off to California for a family wedding. Naturally I gave them a fondue set and a Swiss friend supplied some authentic mountain cheese. Because its in California they had to cut up carrots to go along with the break. Said Swiss friend was 'shocked and appalled'. Professionally I am starting to write my thesis.
Research Activities
April 2015
Went to the CERF facility at CERN today for beamtime and did test microdosimetry measurements with the Gempix. No photos this time unfortunately.
Research Activities
April 2015
Life Outside of CERN
June 2015
Research Activities
June 2015