Michele Togno ESR 11 - personal, professional and private info
Personal data
Michele Togno
Institute: IBA-Dosimetry
Working field: Dosimetry in clinical application
ESR number: 11
Nationality: Italian
Contact me
Professional profile
- Bachelor of Science in Physical Engineering: Politecnico di Milano, 2009
Thesis: Superconductivity and Isotopic Effect. - Master of Science in Nuclear Engineering: Politecnico di Milano, 2012
Thesis: Study of a Logarithmic Compression Amplifier for Microdosimetry. - Doctor of Philosophy: Physics, Technische Universitat Munchen, foreseen for 2016
Project and current work
My work within ARDENT is focused on the development and characterization of a new generation of ionization chambers arrays.This technology is aimed to radiotherapy applications, particularly to the measurement of absorbed dose from photon, electron and proton radiation.
Several detector prototypes will be tested and iteratively improved, performing experimental measurements at IBA facilities and simulations with Monte Carlo EGSnrc code. I will carry out my PhD program at the Technical University in Munich. Collaboration with TUM University will also include experimental sessions for evaluation of detector performances and practical applications of such technology in a clinical environment.
Participations in meetings, conferences, etc
V National School in Detector and Electronics for High Energy Physics, Astrophysics, Space Applications and Medical Physics, INFN Padova (Italy)
ARDENT Mid Term Review Preparatory Meeting, CERN
Not yet
Private area
My interests
I enjoy watching movies, reading books (especially historical novels), hiking and skiing above all!