Kevin Loo ESR 8 - personal, professional and private info
About Kevin
b.1989, does physics, plays music
Centre for Medical Radiation Physics, University of Wollongong
Kevin Loo
Institute of Experimental and Applied Physics/Czech Technical University
Working field: Medipix Development
ESR number: 8
Nationality: Australian
Contact me
Professional profile
Illawarra Christian School (Cordeaux Heights Campus) 1995-2005
Bachelor of Medical Radiation Physics (Advanced Honours) 2006-2010
Doctor of Philosophy in Physics 2011-present
Current work
Development of a novel in-body imaging system for prostate brachytherapy treatment using Medipix for intraoperative dyanmic dose planning
Participations in meetings, conferences, etc
Oral presentation- Micro-, Mini-, and Nano- Dosimetry and International Prostate Cancer Treatment Workshop: Wollongong, Australia, 2012
Oral presentation- Engineering & Physical Sciences in Medicine Conference: Gold Coast, Australia, 2012
Oral presentation- Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australasian Brachytherapy Group: Canberra, Australia, 2012
Invited talk- National Radiation Protection Institute (CZ): Prague, Czech Republic, 2012
Poster presentation- IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference: Valencia, Spain, 2011
Organising Committee- 3rd Summer School on Solid State Dosimetry: Wollongong, Australia, 2010
Invited talks- Australian Rotary Health: 2010-present
University of Wollongong winner of Three Minute Thesis speaking competition, 2012 (Trans-Tasman finalist)
My Interests
I enjoy listening to and playing music, fine cinema, eating the best food, finding cool little cafes, and travelling the world.